ConditionValidator(T) Class


Enables validation of pre- and postconditions. This class isn't used directly by developers. Instead the class should be created by the Requires and Ensures extension methods.

Namespace:  CuttingEdge.Conditions
Assembly:  CuttingEdge.Conditions (in CuttingEdge.Conditions.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public MustInherit Class ConditionValidator(Of T)
public abstract class ConditionValidator<T>
Visual C++
generic<typename T>
public ref class ConditionValidator abstract
JavaScript does not support generic types or methods.

Type Parameters

The type of the argument to be validated


The following example shows how to use CuttingEdge.Conditions.
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  using System.Collections;
  using CuttingEdge.Conditions;
  public class ExampleClass
      private enum StateType { Uninitialized = 0, Initialized };
      private StateType currentState;
      public ICollection GetData(int? id, string xml, IEnumerable col)
          // Check all preconditions:
          Condition.Requires(id, "id")
              .IsNotNull()          // throws ArgumentNullException on failure
              .IsInRange(1, 999)    // ArgumentOutOfRangeException on failure
              .IsNotEqualTo(128);   // throws ArgumentException on failure
          Condition.Requires(xml, "xml")
              .StartsWith("<data>") // throws ArgumentException on failure
              .EndsWith("</data>"); // throws ArgumentException on failure
          Condition.Requires(col, "col")
              .IsNotNull()          // throws ArgumentNullException on failure
              .IsEmpty();           // throws ArgumentException on failure
          // Do some work
          // Example: Call a method that should return a not null ICollection
          object result = BuildResults(xml, col);
          // Check all postconditions:
          // A PostconditionException will be thrown at failure.
          Condition.Ensures(result, "result")
          return result as ICollection;
The following code examples shows how to extend the library with your own 'Invariant' entry point method. The first example shows a class with an Add method that validates the class state (the class invariants) before adding the Person object to the internal array and that code should throw an InvalidOperationException.
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   using CuttingEdge.Conditions;
   public class Person { }
   public class PersonCollection  
       public PersonCollection(int capicity)
           this.Capacity = capicity;
       public void Add(Person person)
           // Throws a ArgumentNullException when person == null
           Condition.Requires(person, "person").IsNotNull();
           // Throws an InvalidOperationException on failure
           Invariants.Invariant(this.Count, "Count").IsLessOrEqual(this.Capacity);
       public int Count { get; private set; }
       public int Capacity { get; private set; }
       private void AddInternal(Person person)
           // some logic here
       public bool Contains(Person person)
           // some logic here
           return false;
The following code example will show the implementation of the Invariants class.
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  using System;
  using CuttingEdge.Conditions;
  namespace MyCompanyRootNamespace
      public static class Invariants
          public static ConditionValidator<T> Invariant<T>(T value)
              return new InvariantValidator<T>("value", value);
          public static ConditionValidator<T> Invariant<T>(T value, string argumentName)
              return new InvariantValidator<T>(argumentName, value);
          // Internal class that inherits from ConditionValidator<T>
          sealed class InvariantValidator<T> : ConditionValidator<T>
              public InvariantValidator(string argumentName, T value)
                  : base(argumentName, value)
              protected override void ThrowExceptionCore(string condition,
                  string additionalMessage, ConstraintViolationType type)
                  string exceptionMessage = string.Format("Invariant '{0}' failed.", condition);
                  if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalMessage))
                      exceptionMessage += " " + additionalMessage;
                  // Optionally, the 'type' parameter can be used, but never throw an exception
                  // when the value of 'type' is unknown or unvalid.
                  throw new InvalidOperationException(exceptionMessage);

Inheritance Hierarchy

  CuttingEdge.Conditions..::.ConditionValidator<(Of <(T>)>)

See Also